Welcome To Mahabeej | Mahabeej
Welcome to Maharashtra State Seeds Corporation Ltd

Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India

Computer Cell

Computer Cell

Electronic Data Processing (Computer-Cell)


EDP Deparments is the main technical department of MSSCL, Mahabeej. It has the following activites.

*     Technical Help to all Departments, Regions Offices, District Office, Seeds Processing Plants, RND and Quality control Labs.

*     Implementing new Technologies

*     Conducting Traings time by time (Pysically as well as Online)

*     Arranging Video conferencing day to day (especially in Covid also)

*     Implemented Web Based ERP for online works.

*     Mobiles Apps

*     CCTV (HO and some Processing Plants).

*     Intenet faclity to all locations.

*     Head Office (Hardware/Software/Networking Services)

*     Issuing Guidelines time by time.

*     eOffice (from NIC dept.) Implements at Head Office Mahabeej.

*     Implements eTendering (mahatenders.gov.in)

*     DSC (Pruchased and assinged to users for eoffice logings as well as eTendering).

*     Website (Desing/Develeoped/Maintaining).

*     Installation of required software and hardwares.


Softwares/Mobile Apps/Website

Web Based ERP running from @2017 (online)



OLD DOS Based Software

Thoughts on Franchise software.




Web site : www.mahabeej.com (Designed/Developed inhouse)