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Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India

MBC Nagpur Tissue Culture

MBC Nagpur Tissue Culture

Mahabeej Biotechnology Centre, Nagpur


MSSCL had started Tissue Culture Banana plantlets replication since 1993. In 2002, it has established the state-of-the-art Tissue Culture Laboratory at Mahabeej Biotechnology Centre, Nagpur to commercially produce on large scale Tissue Culture Banana plantlets by micro-propagation technique. TC Banana is an important tropical fruit crop, vegetative propagated by suckers. This crop is highly susceptible to viral disease like Bunchy Top of Banana which results in reduction in yield. In vitro propagation technique by using shoot-tip from the suckers is useful for multiplication and production of virus free plantlets. The large-scale propagation of disease free Banana plantlets is expected to minimize the cost of production and optimize the yields.



Inoculation Room


Growth Room


Banana Multiples
Banana Shoot culture
                            Banana Rooted culture


TC Banana Plantlets


               TC Strawberry Plantlets
             Tissue Culture Papaya
            Tissue Culture Russel lupin


Hardened Plants


Tissue Culture Banana Ready For Sale


Tissue culture Banana plantlets
G-9 Tissue culture Banana plant


G9 is one of the most commonly cultivated Cavendish Bananas of Family Musa acuminate. These are the high yielding plantain among all the Banana varieties which is introduced to India from Israel. This variety has good wind resistance and excellent landscaping potential. Matured height of the Yellow Banana King is 6-8 feet. The fruits of Grand Nain Banana variety are delicious to eat and keeping quality of the fruit is high compared to our native varieties. It is recommended to plant 1200 plants/acre with spacing of 6 x 6 ft.

Characters of G-9
  • Each bunch will be having 10 to 12 hands with 175 to 225 number of fruits.
  • High yield (Avg. 30 kg per plant)
  • Excellent keeping quality
  • Long cylindrical fruits with less curvature.
  • Tissue cultured plants are very healthy, resistant to disease, duly tested for virus & genetic fidelity test.


Hereafter, in 2017, our Mahabeej Biotechnology centre recognized by Department of Scientific & Industrial research, New Delhi. Now in 2020, our Mahabeej Biotechnology centre recognized by National Certification System for Tissue Culture Raised Plants (NCS-TCP) New Delhi. We are proud to say that our Mahabeej Biotechnology Centre Nagpur is the only Government undertaking organization in India to receive this prestigious recognition.

Plant tissue culture technology broadly refers to the in vitro cultivation of plant parts. A tissue culture system is also very often a model system which allows investigating physiological, bio-chemical, genetic and structural problems related to plants.

Our another pipeline project are on Bamboo & Papaya, Bamboo is versatile, perennial and non-wood forest trees with tremendous eco-sociological and commercial importance. Different propagation techniques are available for bamboo, such as seed propagation, clump division, rhizome and clump cuttings, but these classical techniques suffer from serious drawbacks for large or mass scale propagation. Tissue culture mediated biotechnological interventions made in bamboo for large scale micro propagation, that being the need of the hour.

Papaya has conventionally been propagated from seeds and considerable variation exists in plantings. Tissue culture propagation of papaya offers a valuable alternative to provide genetically identical copies of superior varieties in shorter period than from conventional breed.

Our Mahabeej Biotechnology centre Nursery is producing & marketing of Hy. Papaya Red lady-786 along with this we are Procuring & selling various Fruit crops viz., Mango, Lemon, Aonla, Jack fruit, Custard apple, Chickoo.

