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FAQs(Tissue culture banana grandnaine(G-9))

FAQs(Tissue culture banana grandnaine(G-9))

Frequently Asked Questions (Tissue Culture Banana Grandnaine (G-9))

Ans.: This is the high yielding plantain among all the banana varieties which is introduced to India from Israel. ... It has solid green fruit with high export value and economically highly profitable producing 16 hands and 16 fingers consisting of 225-250 fruits per plant.

Ans: Banana is typically propagated vegetatively; thus tissue culture as a propagation technique provides a robust means to prepare disease-free planting materials that can provide the first line of defense in developing an integrated disease-management program for banana.
Ans.: Techniques. Preparation of plant tissue for tissue culture is performed under aseptic conditions under HEPA filtered air provided by a laminar flow cabinet. Thereafter, the tissue is grown in sterile containers, such as Petri dishes or flasks in a growth room with controlled temperature and light intensity.
Ans: Tissue culture involves the use of small pieces of plant tissue (explants) which are cultured in a nutrient medium under sterile conditions. Using the appropriate growing conditions for each explant type, plants can be induced to rapidly produce new shoots, and, with the addition of suitable hormones new roots.
Ans: Shoot or shoot tip culture. The culture of larger stem apices or lateral buds (ranging from 5 to 10 mm in length to undissected buds) is used as a very successful method of propagating plants. The size and relative positions of two kinds of explants in the shoot apex of a typical dicotyledon are considered in vitro.
  • What are the four main stages of tissue culture?
  • The process of micropropagation can be divided into four stages:
  • Initiation stage. A piece of plant tissue (called an explant) is (a) cut from the plant, (b) disinfested (removal of surface contaminants), and (c) placed on a medium. ..
  • Multiplication stage. ...
  • Rooting or preplant stage. ...
  • Acclimatization.

Ans: Mahabeej has established a Tissue Culture laboratory at Regional Office, Mahabeej, Telangkhedi Garden, Nagpur. However, you can buy these seedlings in any district by contacting Mahabeej District Office of your district. Mahabeej seedlings can be bought from Mahabeej Nursery, Shivani, Akola & Telankhedi Garden, Nagpur.
Ans: They take a shorter time to mature (12 months from planting). Produce bigger bunches (30-50 kg). They produce uniform bunches. Bunches mature at the same time and hence are easy to market.