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Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India

FAQs(Bio Fertilizers)

FAQs(Bio Fertilizers)

Ans.: MSSCL R & D Unit established on 1992.

Ans: Yes, MSSCL R & D unit has DSIR recognition.
Ans.: R & D Unit activites are conducted at Shivani & Pailpada.
Ans: MSSCL R & D unit provides the assurance of quality seeds to the farmers at very compensative rates & control the monopoly of private sector.
Ans: Seeds R & D is dedicated to developments of new varieties & hybrids of major crops that offer improved quality & productivity. This includes improving tolerance to pest & other environmental stresses as well as enhancing the quality characters.
Ans: Climate Resilient Research, Higher Yield & Improved Quality, Biotic Stress Tolerance Water & Nutrient use efficiency.
Ans: Sorghum, Bajra, Maize, Cotton, Tur, Sunflower, Moog, Udid & Vegetable crops.
Ans: MSSCL is having three own research hybrids of sorghum Viz., Mahabeej-704, Mahabeej-7 & Bhagyalaxmi-296. All these hybrids are suitable for Kharif season.
Ans: MSSCL is having hybrid pearlmillet Mahabeej-1005 which is released & notified.
Ans: MSSCL is having own research Maize hybrid Uday which is suitable for Kharif season. It is released & notified hybrid.

Ans.: Yes, MSSCL is having 2 Bt cotton hybrids Viz, PKV Hy-2 BGII & NHH-44 BGII suitable for Rainfed area of Maharashtra State.

Ans.: MSSCL has recently released a pigeon pea variety MPV-106.

Ans.: MSSCL is having own research Sunflower hybrid Bhaskar.

Ans.: MSSCL is having 2 varieties of moogbean Viz, Utkarsha & Unnati.

Ans.: MSSCL is having own research 2 varieties of Urdbean viz, Vijay & MU-44.

Ans.: MSSCL works on Okra, Brinjal, Cowpea, Clusterbean, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Bottle gourd, Tomato & Chilli..

Ans.: Yes, Hy. Okra-Tanvi, Hy. Brinjal- Jayant & Yashwant, Hy. Ridge gourd- Aishwarya, Hy. Sponge gourd- Divyanka, Hy. Bottle gourd- Ishwar, Cowpea variety- Parvati & clusterbean variety- Gauri.

Ans.: MSSCL R & D products are available on MSSCL authorized dealers & distributors..
