Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India
Name of Crop/ Variety | Developed by Institute | Year of Release | Seed Rate (Kg/ha) | Duration (Days) | Varietal Characters | Yield (Qtls/ ha) |
RTN-6 | ARS, RATANAGIRI (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 2019 | 60 | 120 To 125 | Semi-dwarf in height. Midlate duration, medium slender grain type. Non-lodging, non-shattering, fertilizer responsive. | 35 To 40 |
RTN-7 | ARS, SHIRGAON (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 2019 | 60 | 120 To 125 | Semi-dwarf, mid-late in duration. Short bold grain type. Non-shattering, Non-lodging, responsive fertilizers. | 45 To 50 |
SAKOLI-9 | ARS, SAKOLI (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 2019 | 75 | 130 To 135 | Medium slender grain. Long leaf length with medium green colour. Complete panicle exertion. | 38 To 42 |
PDKV-TILAK | ARS, SINDHEWAHI (DR. PDKV, AKOLA) | 2019 | 75 | 130 To 135 | Late maturity, Non-lodging, Non-shattering, fertilizer responsive. Short slender fine grain. | 35 To 40 |
PDKV-KISAN | DR. PDKV, AKOLA | 2018 | 75 | 130 To 135 | Awn-absent, Panicle-semi-compact. Grain type-medium slender,Non-lodging & non-shattering. | 40 To 42 |
KARJAT-8 | RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 2017 | 60 | 140 To 145 | Grain short slender with good cooking quality. | 35 To 40 |
KARJAT-9 | RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 2017 | 60 | 120 To 125 | Intermediate tillering ability. Medium slender grain type. Non-lodging, Non-shattering. | 45 To 50 |
CO-51 | TAMILNADU AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE | 2017 | 60 | 100 To 105 | Plant Height 90 to 100 cm., light green colour leaves, white flower medium seed size, good cooking quality. | 60 To 65 |
RTN-5 | ARS, RATANAGIRI (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 2012 | 60 | 125 To 125 | Grain short slender, dwarf in height & non-lodging. Easy for threshability. | 36 To 40 |
KARJAT-7 | RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 2009 | 60 | 115 To 120 | Dwarf, Non-lodging. Grain long slender with good cooking quality. | 45 To 50 |
PHULE SAMRUDHI | MPKV, RAHURI | 2008 | 60 | 125 To 130 | Semi dwarf & non-lodging, midlate group, long slender grain, small notch at back of seed. | 45 To 50 |
PKV-HMT | DR. PDKV, AKOLA | 2008 | 75 | 135 To 140 | Dwarf stature and non-lodging, fine short slender grain, Non-shattering & highly responsive to fertilizers. | 40 To 45 |
BHOGAWATI | ARS, RADHANAGARI | 2007 | 60 | 134 To 138 | Semi dwarf, Complete Ear exertion Scented, short broad and remains green till maturity.Suitability for ares where late varieties preferred | 35 To 40 |
KARJAT-5 | RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 2006 | 60 | 125 To 130 | Profuse Tillering, panicle compact, Awnless, Grain long bold with good cooking quality. | 43 To 53 |
MTU-1010 | ANGRAU, GUNTUR, AP | 2000 | 75 | 110 To 120 | Short duration with high adaptability. Tolerant to Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) & blast, plant hight 90 to 95 cm. | 60 To 65 |
KARJAT-2 | RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 1996 | 60 | 135 To 140 | Dwarf, erect with green leaves, Grain long slender with good cooking quality. | 43 To 45 |
KARJAT-3 | RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 1996 | 60 | 120 To 140 | Awnless, Panicle Compact, Grain short bold with gold cooking quality. | 45 To 50 |
MTU-1001 | ANGRAU, GUNTUR, AP | 1995 | 75 | 120 To 135 | Erect plant type with medium tillering, dark green foliage with straw blume grain, responsive to fertilizer. | 50 To 60 |
VIJETHA(MTU-1001) | ANGRAU, GUNTUR, AP | 1995 | 75 | 120 To 135 | Semi Dwarf, Compact, Errect flag leaf all plant are green, High yielding, | 50 To 60 |
INDRAYANI | ARS,VADGAON (PUNE) | 1993 | 60 | 135 To 140 | Semi dwarf, grain long slender, scented. | 40 To 45 |
RTN-1 | ARS, RATANAGIRI (BSKKV, DAPOLI) | 1990 | 60 | 110 To 115 | Medium tall, good tillering ability, Grain short bold, easy to cook, suitable for preparing flaked rice (Poha) | 45 To 50 |
SUWARNA (MTU-7029) | ANGRAU, GUNTUR, AP | 1980 | 60 | 140 To 150 | High adaptability, good cooking quality. | 63 To 64 |
JAYA | ICAR-IIRR, HYDRABAD | 1968 | 75 | 125 To 130 | Erect, panicle dense awnless, grain long bold white | 55 To 60 |