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Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India


Name of Crop/ Variety Developed by Institute Year of Release Seed Rate (Kg/ha) Duration (Days) Varietal Characters  Yield (Qtls/ ha)
RTN-6 ARS, RATANAGIRI (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 2019 60 120 To 125 Semi-dwarf in height. Midlate duration, medium slender grain type. Non-lodging, non-shattering, fertilizer responsive. 35 To 40
RTN-7 ARS, SHIRGAON (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 2019 60 120 To 125 Semi-dwarf, mid-late in duration. Short bold grain type. Non-shattering, Non-lodging, responsive fertilizers.  45 To 50
SAKOLI-9 ARS, SAKOLI (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 2019 75 130 To 135 Medium slender grain. Long leaf length with medium green colour. Complete panicle exertion.  38 To 42
PDKV-TILAK ARS, SINDHEWAHI (DR. PDKV, AKOLA) 2019 75 130 To 135 Late maturity, Non-lodging, Non-shattering, fertilizer responsive. Short slender fine grain. 35 To 40
PDKV-KISAN DR. PDKV, AKOLA 2018 75 130 To 135 Awn-absent, Panicle-semi-compact. Grain type-medium slender,Non-lodging & non-shattering. 40 To 42
KARJAT-8 RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 2017 60 140 To 145 Grain short slender with good cooking quality. 35 To 40
KARJAT-9 RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 2017 60 120 To 125 Intermediate tillering ability. Medium slender grain type. Non-lodging, Non-shattering.  45 To 50
CO-51 TAMILNADU AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE 2017 60 100 To 105 Plant Height 90 to 100 cm., light green colour leaves, white flower  medium seed size, good cooking quality. 60 To 65
RTN-5 ARS, RATANAGIRI (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 2012 60 125 To 125 Grain short slender, dwarf in height & non-lodging. Easy for threshability. 36 To 40
KARJAT-7 RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 2009 60 115 To 120 Dwarf, Non-lodging. Grain long slender with good cooking quality. 45 To 50
PHULE SAMRUDHI MPKV, RAHURI 2008 60 125 To 130 Semi dwarf & non-lodging, midlate group, long slender grain, small notch at back of seed. 45 To 50
PKV-HMT DR. PDKV, AKOLA 2008 75 135 To 140 Dwarf stature and non-lodging, fine short slender grain, Non-shattering & highly responsive to fertilizers. 40 To 45
BHOGAWATI ARS, RADHANAGARI  2007 60 134 To 138 Semi dwarf, Complete Ear exertion Scented, short broad and remains green till maturity.Suitability for ares where late varieties preferred 35 To 40
KARJAT-5 RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 2006 60 125 To 130 Profuse Tillering, panicle compact, Awnless, Grain long bold with good cooking quality. 43 To 53
MTU-1010 ANGRAU, GUNTUR, AP 2000 75 110 To 120 Short duration with high adaptability. Tolerant to Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) & blast, plant hight 90 to 95 cm. 60 To 65
KARJAT-2 RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 1996 60 135 To 140 Dwarf, erect with green leaves, Grain long slender with good cooking quality. 43 To 45
KARJAT-3 RARS, KARJAT (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 1996 60 120 To 140 Awnless, Panicle Compact, Grain short bold with gold cooking quality. 45 To 50
MTU-1001 ANGRAU, GUNTUR, AP 1995 75 120 To 135 Erect plant type with medium tillering, dark green foliage with straw blume grain, responsive to fertilizer. 50 To 60
VIJETHA(MTU-1001) ANGRAU, GUNTUR, AP 1995 75 120 To 135 Semi Dwarf, Compact, Errect flag leaf all plant are green, High yielding, 50 To 60
INDRAYANI ARS,VADGAON (PUNE) 1993 60 135 To 140 Semi dwarf, grain long slender, scented. 40 To 45
RTN-1 ARS, RATANAGIRI (BSKKV, DAPOLI) 1990 60 110 To 115 Medium tall, good tillering ability, Grain short bold, easy to cook, suitable for preparing flaked rice (Poha) 45 To 50
SUWARNA (MTU-7029) ANGRAU, GUNTUR, AP 1980 60 140 To 150 High adaptability, good cooking quality. 63 To 64
JAYA ICAR-IIRR, HYDRABAD 1968 75 125 To 130 Erect, panicle dense awnless, grain long bold white 55 To 60

