Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India
Name of Crop/ Variety | Developed by Institute | Year of Release | Seed Rate (Kg/ha) | Duration (Days) | Varietal Characters | Yield (Qtls/ ha) |
UDAY | MSSCL, AKOLA | 2016 | 15 | 95 To 100 | The grain colour of this hybrid is yellow-orange with semi dent texture. | 85 To 90 |
PHULE KASARI | MPKV, RAHURI | 2022 | 10 | 100 To 110 | Suitable for timely sown and transplanting condition, resistant to neck, finger blast disease. | 18 To 20 |
DPLN-2 (DAPOLI-3) | DR. BSKKV, DAPOLI | 2021 | 10 | 120 To 122 | Suitable for traditional finger millet growing area during Kharif season. Moderately reistant to leaf blast at field level. | 20 To 22 |
DAPOLI-1 BROWN | BSKKV, DAPOLI | 2017 | 10 | 100 To 110 | Semi spreading growth habit, grain colour is light brown, medium bold size. | 9 To 10 |
DAPOLI-2 | BSKKV, DAPOLI | 2016 | 10 | 115 TO 119 | Attractive to grain color, Moderately resistant to blast, non-lodging, non-shattering. | 25 To 27 |
PHULE EKADASHI | MPKV, RAHURI | 2016 | 10 | 90 To 95 | Suitable for rainfed condition, non lodging. | 10 To 12 |