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Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India

Maize & Minor Millet

Name of Crop/ Variety Developed by Institute Year of Release Seed Rate (Kg/ha) Duration (Days) Varietal Characters  Yield (Qtls/ ha)
UDAY MSSCL, AKOLA 2016 15 95 To 100 The grain colour of this hybrid is yellow-orange with semi dent texture. 85 To 90
PHULE KASARI MPKV, RAHURI 2022 10 100 To 110 Suitable for timely sown and transplanting condition, resistant to neck, finger blast disease. 18 To 20
DPLN-2 (DAPOLI-3) DR. BSKKV, DAPOLI 2021 10 120 To 122 Suitable for traditional finger millet growing  area during Kharif season. Moderately reistant to leaf blast at field level. 20 To 22
DAPOLI-1 BROWN BSKKV, DAPOLI 2017 10 100 To 110 Semi spreading growth habit, grain colour is light brown, medium bold size. 9 To 10
DAPOLI-2 BSKKV, DAPOLI 2016 10 115 TO 119 Attractive to grain color, Moderately resistant to blast, non-lodging, non-shattering. 25 To 27
PHULE EKADASHI MPKV, RAHURI 2016 10 90 To 95 Suitable for rainfed condition, non lodging. 10 To 12