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Krishi Nagar, Akola, Maharashtra, India


Name of Crop/ Variety Developed by Institute Year of Release Seed Rate(Kg/hect) Duration (Days) Varietal Characters Average Yield (Qtls/hect)
PHULE SAMARTH MPKV, RAHURI 2004 10 80 To 90  Early maturity , Foliage colour dark green maturity period ,Colour of bulbs  Dark red with luster.   20 To 25
BASWANT-780 MPKV, RAHURI 1987 10 180 To 210 Globes bulb of light colour which become dark red on drying, Equatorial and mild in taste. 27 To 35
AFDR  NHRDF, NEW DELHI 1986 10 150 To 160 Bulbs are dark red in colour , Globular shaped with tight skin , Moderately pungent. 20 To 25